Acronym | Definition |
LSDP➣Lump Sum Death Payment |
LSDP➣Lithuanian Social Democratic Party |
LSDP➣Latvian Social Democratic Party (political party) |
LSDP➣Low-Sulphur Diesel-Production |
LSDP➣Life-Span Developmental Psychology |
LSDP➣Le Sacre du Printemps (French: The Rite of Spring; ballet) |
LSDP➣Loop Shaping Design Procedure |
LSDP➣Local Sustainable Development Plan |
LSDP➣Latin Sisters Design Productions |
LSDP➣Little Sisters of Divine Providence |
LSDP➣La Strega Di Portobello (Italian, Paulo Coelho book) |
LSDP➣Life Skills Development Program |