Kryzhin Range

Kryzhin Range


(also Kizir-Kazyr Range), a mountain range in the Vostochnyi Saian, Krasnoiarsk Krai, RSFSR; the watershed of the Kizir and Kazyr rivers. Length, approximately 200 km; maximum height in the east, 2,922 m. The mountain range is formed primarily of metamorphic schists and limestone, interspersed with granite. Small glaciers are found in the east, the largest of which is the Stal’nov Glacier (length, 3 km). Taiga forests (fir, cedar, larch) grow on the mountain slopes. The peaks are rocky, and there are treeless slopes in the east. There are traces of ancient glaciation (cirques and troughs). The Kryzhin Range is named in honor of the topographer Kryzhin, who participated in the Russian Geographical Society expedition to Siberia between 1855 and 1858.