Acronym | Definition |
KSA➣Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
KSA➣Knowledge, Skills and Abilities |
KSA➣Key System Attribute |
KSA➣Kirby Star Allies (gaming) |
KSA➣Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes |
KSA➣Korean Student Association (student organization providing cultural awareness and community empowerment) |
KSA➣Knight in Shining Armor |
KSA➣Kansas Statutes Annotated |
KSA➣Korean Standards Association |
KSA➣Knowlton School of Architecture (Ohio State University) |
KSA➣Kick Some Ass |
KSA➣Knowledge, Skills and Attributes |
KSA➣Kölsch Style Ale (beer) |
KSA➣Key Scheduling Algorithm |
KSA➣Kosher Supervision of America |
KSA➣Katholieke Studenten Actie (Belgian youth movement) |
KSA➣Kansas State Assessment |
KSA➣Kazakh Space Agency |
KSA➣Knowledge Systems Area |
KSA➣Kansai Sociological Association |
KSA➣Key Support Areas (performance base logistics product support boundries) |
KSA➣Kosrae, Caroline Islands, Micronesia (Airport Code) |
KSA➣Kultur Und Sozialanthropologie (German: Cultural and Social Anthropology) |
KSA➣Knights of St. Andrew (Masonic) |
KSA➣Kenya Scouts Association (Kenya) |
KSA➣Kipp Summit Academy (San Lorenzo, CA) |
KSA➣Korean-American Students Association |
KSA➣Key-String Algorithm (DNA) |
KSA➣Ku-band Single Access |
KSA➣K-band Single Access |
KSA➣Kansas Sheriff's Association |
KSA➣Kansai Football Association (Japan) |
KSA➣Kommando Strategische Aufklärung (German Army Secret Service for Exterior Affairs) |
KSA➣Kurt Salmon Associates GmbH |
KSA➣Keller Soccer Association (Texas) |
KSA➣Kanara Saraswat Association |
KSA➣Knowledge Superiority & Assurance (information assurance) |
KSA➣Korean Society of Anesthesiologists |
KSA➣Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists |
KSA➣Kansas Society of Anesthesiologists |
KSA➣Kerry Schwoyer Associates, Inc. |
KSA➣Kommunikations Struktur Analyse |
KSA➣Kontinuum Spaßmusschreibender Autoren (Austrian writers' organisation) |