multiple myositis


 [mi″o-si´tis] inflammation of a voluntary muscle; called also initis.myositis fibro´sa a type in which there is a formation of connective tissue in the muscle.multiple myositis polymyositis.myositis ossi´ficans myositis marked by bony deposits in muscle.trichinous myositis that which is caused by the presence of Trichinella spiralis.

mul·ti·ple my·o·si·tis

(mŭl'ti-pĕl mī'ō-sī'tis) The occurrence of multiple foci of acute inflammation in the muscular tissue and overlying skin in various parts of the body, accompanied by fever and other signs of systemic infection.
See also: dermatomyositis

Patient discussion about multiple myositis

Q. Does my son have dermatomyositis? My son is 6 years old and he is very weak. He gets very tired after doing the simplest things like going for a walk. He also has a rash on his neck. What could this be?A. It doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about. The main warning sign of dermatomyositis is muscle weakness. Usually the first muscles affected are in the hips and thighs, though any other muscle in the body can be affected. It may be hard to climb stairs, get dressed or get out of bed.
Pain in the joints between bones.
Deep red (almost purple) rash, usually on the face, scalp, neck and chest. However, the rash can appear on any part of the body.
Coughing and shortness of breath.
· It may also be hard to swallow.
If you have dermatomyositis you will have muscle weakness and will develop a rash, most often on your face, scalp, neck and chest. The rash can also appear on your hands and fingers (often the knuckles), elbows, knees, ankles, upper arms and thighs. The rash is often deep red in colour (almost purple) and in some areas may be slightly raised. If your son's rash doesn't look like this then it could be caused by many other things, consult your Dr about it.

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