

单词 marked



M0113200 (märkt)adj.1. Having one or more distinguishing marks.2. Clearly defined and evident; noticeable: a marked increase in temperature. See Synonyms at noticeable.3. Singled out, especially for a dire fate: a marked man.4. Linguistics a. Of or relating to that member of a pair of words or forms that explicitly denotes a particular subset of the meanings denoted by the other member of the pair. For example, of the two words lion and lioness, lion is unmarked for gender (it can denote either a male or female) whereas lioness is marked, since it denotes only females.b. Explicitly characterized by or having a particular linguistic feature. For example, girls is marked for plural in English, whereas sheep is not.
mark′ed·ly (mär′kĭd-lē) adv.mark′ed·ness n.


(mɑːkt) adj1. obvious, evident, or noticeable2. singled out, esp for punishment, killing, etc: a marked man. 3. (Linguistics) linguistics distinguished by a specific feature, as in phonology. For example, of the two phonemes /t/ and /d/, the /d/ is marked because it exhibits the feature of voice markedly adv ˈmarkedness n



adj. 1. striking; conspicuous: marked success. 2. watched as an object of suspicion or vengeance: a marked man. 3. having a mark or marks: strikingly marked birds. 4. (of a linguistic form) a. characterized by the presence of a distinctive feature, grammatical marker, or element of meaning not present in a related item: The word drake, which specifies “male,” is marked, in contrast to duck, which does not specify sex. b. occurring less typically than an alternative form. [before 1000] mark′ed•ly, adv. mark′ed•ness, n.
Adj.1.marked - strongly marked; easily noticeable; "walked with a marked limp"; "a pronounced flavor of cinnamon"pronouncednoticeable - capable or worthy of being perceived; "noticeable shadows under her eyes"; "noticeable for its vivid historical background"; "a noticeable lack of friendliness"
2.marked - singled out for notice or especially for a dire fatemarked - singled out for notice or especially for a dire fate; "a marked man"conspicuous - obvious to the eye or mind; "a tower conspicuous at a great distance"; "wore conspicuous neckties"; "made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening"
3.marked - having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specifiedmarked - having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specified; often used in combination; "played with marked cards"; "a scar-marked face"; "well-marked roads"unmarked - not having an identifying mark; "unmarked cards"; "an unmarked police car"


adjective noticeable, clear, decided, striking, noted, obvious, signal, dramatic, considerable, outstanding, remarkable, apparent, prominent, patent, evident, distinct, pronounced, notable, manifest, blatant, conspicuous, salient There has been a marked increase in crimes against property.
hidden, concealed, obscure, vague, unclear, doubtful, dubious, insignificant, inconspicuous, imperceptible, indistinct, unnoticeable


adjectiveReadily attracting notice:arresting, bold, conspicuous, eye-catching, noticeable, observable, outstanding, pointed, prominent, pronounced, remarkable, salient, signal, striking.Idiom: sticking out like a sore thumb.


(maːk) noun1. (also Deutsche Mark, ~Deutschmark (ˈdoitʃmaːk) ) the standard unit of German currency before the euro. 馬克(德國在改採歐元前的舊貨幣) 马克(德国的旧货币) 2. a point given as a reward for good work etc. She got good marks in the exam. 分數(指成績) 分数(指成绩) 3. a stain. That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet. 污點 污点4. a sign used as a guide to position etc. There's a mark on the map showing where the church is. 標記 标记5. a cross or other sign used instead of a signature. He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead. 畫押,記號 画押,记号 6. an indication or sign of a particular thing. a mark of respect. 表示,跡象 标签,符号 verb1. to put a mark or stain on, or to become marked or stained. Every pupil's coat must be marked with his name; That coffee has marked the tablecloth; This white material marks easily. 標上,弄污,留下標記,留下污點 标出,弄污,做标记,作记号,留下痕迹 2. to give marks to (a piece of work). I have forty exam-papers to mark tonight. 打分數 打分数3. to show; to be a sign of. X marks the spot where the treasure is buried. 指出,有…跡象 指明,是…的迹象 4. to note. Mark it down in your notebook. 記下 记下5. (in football etc) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to prevent his getting the ball. Your job is to mark the centre-forward. (足球)釘人防守 (足球)钉人防守,钉住(对手) marked adjective obvious or easily noticeable. There has been a marked improvement in her work. 顯著的 显著的ˈmarkedly (-kid-) adverb noticeably. It's markedly easier to do it by this method. 顯著地 显著地ˈmarker noun1. a person who marks eg the score at games. 記分員 记分员2. something used for marking, eg in scoring, showing the position of something etc. The area is indicated by large green markers. 標記物 标志物3. a type of pen, usually with a thick point. 馬克筆 记号笔ˈmarksman (ˈmaːks-) plural ˈmarksmen noun a person who shoots well. The police marksman did not kill the criminal – he wounded him in the leg to prevent him escaping. 神槍手 神枪手ˈmarksmanship noun a person's skill as a marksman. 槍法 枪法leave/make one's mark to make a permanent or strong impression. The horrors of the war have left their mark on the children. 留下永不磨滅的影響,留下深刻的影響 留下深刻的影响mark out1. to mark the boundary of (eg a football pitch) by making lines etc. The pitch was marked out with white lines. 劃出界線 划出(界线、范围) 2. to select or choose for some particular purpose etc in the future. He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood. 規劃 规划mark time to move the feet up and down as if marching, but without going forward. He's only marking time in this job till he gets a better one. 原地踏步,靜待時機 原地踏步


marked man

A person who is targeted for harm or retaliation of some kind. After Ed alerted the authorities about the corruption that took place within the company, he became a marked man.See also: man, marked

mark down

1. verb To record or make a note of something, typically by making a mark of some kind with a writing utensil or digitally. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "mark" and "down." Did you mark down my score for that last round? Sure, mark me down for a $20 donation.2. verb To reduce the price of something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "mark" and "down." Would you be willing to mark it down a little? I'm trying to stick to a budget. Those bananas have all been marked down because they're starting to turn brown.3. verb To subtract points from an overall score due to an incorrect answer, poor performance, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "mark" and "down." The gymnast is definitely going to see her score marked down for several small infractions. I would have had a perfect score, but the teacher marked it down for a few spelling mistakes.4. noun A discount, or a discounted item. In this usage, the phrase is usually hyphenated or written as one word. I always go to the sale rack in the back to take a look at the markdowns. Do they ever offer any mark-downs, or are their prices always the same?See also: down, mark

mark time

To idly wait; to do nothing except observe the passage of time. I wish we had something to do, but we just have to mark time until this thing is published and we get some reviews.See also: mark, time

mark up

1. To make markings on something, often in a way that defaces it. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "mark" and "up." It looks like a child got their hands on these legal documents and marked them up with crayon. We'll have to reprint them. Unfortunately my new white shoes got marked up when I wore them on that walk that turned into a hike.2. To write on or make informative markings on a document. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "mark" and "up." I like to mark up my students' papers with a lot of comments in the margin so that they know why they received the grade they did. Please go through the document and mark it up with any suggestions you have.3. To increase the price of something, especially in the process of setting the initial price, as a way to ensure that a profit is made from its sale. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "mark" and "up." Movie theaters mark up the price of popcorn and candy really high because those are their main money-makers. I expect the store to mark the price up after the holiday sale, so we might as well buy it now.See also: mark, up

mark (something) with a white stone

obsolete To consider or indicate that something is very favorable, fortunate, or pleasurable. Usually used in passive constructions. Those are days that shall forever be marked with a white stone in my mind.See also: mark, stone, white

mark (someone or something) off

1. To put a mark of some kind by a name or thing on a list as an indication of something (e.g., completion of a task, attendance of something, etc.). Please mark off each item on the list if you see it in the warehouse. I'll mark you off when I am satisfied you've done the assignment as I requested.2. To lower the score or grade of someone or something. The professor marked me off because I didn't show all of my work. While we really like the internal specs of the phone, we have to mark it off because of the cheap-feeling plastic they used in its body.See also: mark, off

mark (something) out

To draw, establish, or otherwise indicate the boundary of some region or area. We went through with the architect and marked out exactly where our property ended and the neighbors' property began. Please mark out the area you intend to excavate.See also: mark, out

X marks the spot

This sign or mark (not necessarily an X) indicates the specific or exact location (of something). I drew an elaborate treasure map for my daughter's birthday, with X marking the spot where I've hidden her presents. If you look at this financial chart, X marks the spot across all of them where the company began to seriously falter.See also: mark, spot

mark (something) as

To place a mark on something, or next to something's name on a list, to signify its state or condition. It's a tedious task, but you'll have to manually mark each item as new, used, or unknown. Go through the list of names of guests and mark each one as either absent or present.See also: mark

mark (one) for life

To greatly affect, alter, or impair one's memory or psyche for the rest of one's life. Often used in passive constructions. Seeing her parents die in such a terrible manner marked the poor girl for life. I hope such a traumatic event like that won't mark him for life!See also: life, mark

mark (something) in (something)

To make one or more marks on something in a particular medium or material. I've marked all your papers in red ink so that you can see my corrections clearly.See also: mark

mark (someone or something) with (something)

1. To make one or more marks on someone or something with a particular material. I've marked all your papers with red ink so that you can see my corrections clearly. The priest marked the celebrants with ash on their foreheads.2. To place a specific number, letter, or other symbol on someone or something to indicate a particular meaning. The bouncer marked everyone's hands with a large X if they were underage. Mark the crates with a 1 if they are being delivered to Texas, and mark them with a 2 if they are being delivered to New York.See also: mark

mark someone down

[for a teacher] to give someone a low score. He'll mark you down for misspelled words. I marked down Tom for bad spelling.See also: down, mark

mark something down

 1. Lit. to write something down on paper. She marked the number down on the paper. She marked down the number. 2. Fig. to reduce the price of something. We are going to mark all this merchandise down next Monday. We marked down the merchandise.See also: down, mark

mark something up

 1. to mess something up with marks. Don't mark up your book! Who marked this book up? 2. to grade a paper and make lots of informative marks and comments on it. The teacher really marked up my term paper. Why did you mark my test up so much? I hardly made any errors. 3. to raise the price of something. The grocery store seems to mark the price of food up every week. They don't mark up the price of turkey at Thanks giving.See also: mark, up

mark time

Fig. to wait; to do nothing but wait. I'll just mark time till things get better. Do you expect me to just stand here and mark time?See also: mark, time

*marked man

Fig. to be someone, usually a male, who is in danger from harm by someone else. (*Typically: be ~; live like ~.) Bob's a marked man. His parents found out that he's skipping school. Fred's a marked man, too. Jack is looking for him to get his money back.See also: man, marked

X marks the spot.

This is the exact spot. (Sometimes the speaker will draw an X in the spot while saying this.) This is where the rock struck my carX marks the spot. Now, please move that table over here. Yes, right hereX marks the spot.See also: mark, spot

mark down

Reduce the price of something, as in If they mark down these shoes, I'll buy two pairs. The mark here alludes to the label indicating a price. [Mid-1800s] See also: down, mark

marked man, a

Also, marked woman. A person singled out as an object of suspicion, hostility, or vengeance. For example, As a witness to the robbery, he felt he was a marked man, or After her fiasco at the meeting, she was a marked woman-no one would hire her. This idiom was first recorded in 1833. See also: marked

mark time

Wait idly for something to occur, as in We were just marking time until we received our instructions. This idiom alludes to the literal meaning of marching in place to the time, or beat, of music. [Early 1800s] See also: mark, time

mark up

1. Deface by drawing, cutting, or another means of covering something with marks. For example, John was punished for marking up his desk, or These shoes really mark up the floor. 2. Raise the price of something, as in This small shop marks up its merchandise much more than department stores do. [Second half of 1800s] See also: mark, up

X marks the spot

This mark shows the location, as in On the postcard, X marks the spot where we picked blueberries. Although the use of a cross or X is probably much older, this term was first recorded in 1813. See also: mark, spot

mark time

COMMON If you mark time, you do not do anything interesting or of value, because you are waiting to see how a situation develops. He had failed his college exams and was marking time working in a baker's shop. People think that I'm marking time till I can make movies or Broadway shows. Note: When soldiers mark time, they march on the spot without moving forward. See also: mark, time

mark time

1 (of troops) march on the spot without moving forward. 2 pass your time in routine activities until a more interesting opportunity presents itself.See also: mark, time

mark ˈtime

stay in one situation, job, etc., not making any progress, but waiting for an opportunity to do so: ‘What are you doing at the moment?’ ‘I’m just marking time until somebody offers me a better job.’If soldiers mark time, they march on one spot without moving forward.See also: mark, time

a marked ˈman

a man who is in danger of being killed by his enemies: When they discovered he was a spy, he became a marked man.See also: man, marked

mark down

v.1. To write a description or symbol for something observed; make a note of something: I marked down the characteristics of every bird I saw in the woods. Did you mark the directions down?2. To lower the price of something offered for sale: The department store marked down all of its shoes last week by 20 percent. The baker marks the bread down an hour before closing.See also: down, mark

mark up

v.1. To cover something with marks, especially defacing it: The rubber balls the kids threw in the hallway marked up the walls. The broken vacuum cleaner marked the floors up.2. To write comments or corrections directly on some document: The teacher had marked up everyone's papers before passing them back to us. The committee marked the report up with comments and questions.3. To raise the price of something put on sale: You'd better buy the shoes now before they mark them up. The new owners marked up the entire inventory.See also: mark, up

mark time

tv. to wait; to do nothing but wait. Do you expect me to just stand here and mark time? See also: mark, time

X marks the spot

sent. This is the exact place! (Cliché.) This is where it happened. X marks the spot. See also: mark, spot

mark time

1. To move the feet alternately in the rhythm of a marching step without advancing.2. To suspend progress for the time being; wait in readiness.3. To function in an apathetic or ineffective manner.See also: mark, time

X marks the spot

This mark shows the scene of the crime, the hiding place of a treasure, or some other special location. Although this term dates only from the nineteenth century, the use of a cross or the letter X as a special indicator is surely much older. The OED’s earliest citation is from a letter by Maria Edgeworth in 1813: “The three crosses X mark the three places where we were let in.” The term often appeared in romantic pirate stories in which hidden treasure marked on a map figured, as in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island (1883).See also: mark, spot


  • adj

Synonyms for marked

adj noticeable


  • noticeable
  • clear
  • decided
  • striking
  • noted
  • obvious
  • signal
  • dramatic
  • considerable
  • outstanding
  • remarkable
  • apparent
  • prominent
  • patent
  • evident
  • distinct
  • pronounced
  • notable
  • manifest
  • blatant
  • conspicuous
  • salient


  • hidden
  • concealed
  • obscure
  • vague
  • unclear
  • doubtful
  • dubious
  • insignificant
  • inconspicuous
  • imperceptible
  • indistinct
  • unnoticeable

Synonyms for marked

adj readily attracting notice


  • arresting
  • bold
  • conspicuous
  • eye-catching
  • noticeable
  • observable
  • outstanding
  • pointed
  • prominent
  • pronounced
  • remarkable
  • salient
  • signal
  • striking

Synonyms for marked

adj strongly marked


  • pronounced

Related Words

  • noticeable

adj singled out for notice or especially for a dire fate

Related Words

  • conspicuous

adj having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specified


  • unmarked




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