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Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM), (men-dē'lē-ăn in-her'i-tans man), A standard, comprehensive, regularly updated reference source for traits in humans that have been shown to be mendelian or that are thought on reasonable grounds to be so. Each entry has a six-digit catalogue number. Those securely established (by molecular biology or by extensive clinical studies) are marked with an asterisk.Mendelian Inheritance in Man A database begun in the early 1960s by Dr VA McKusick as a catalog of mendelian traits and disorders. 12 paper editions were published between 1966 and 1998. The online version, OMIM, was created in the mid-1980s and went live on the web in 1995.Men·del·i·an In·her·i·tance in Man (MIM) (men-dē'lē-ăn in-her'i-tăns man) A standard, comprehensive, regularly updated reference source for traits in humans that have been shown to be mendelian or that are thought on reasonable grounds to be so. Each entry has a six-digit catalog number. Those securely established (by molecular biology or by extensive clinical studies) are marked with an asterisk. AcronymsSeeMIM |