Kubo, Ryogo

Kubo, Ryogo


Born 1920 in Tokyo. Japanese theoretical physicist. Professor at the University of Tokyo.

Kubo’s main works are devoted to the statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium processes and to the quantum theory of magnetism. He developed a theory of the reaction of statistical systems (classical and quantum) to external perturbations and derived formulas for generalized susceptibilities and kinetic coefficients through equilibrium current fluctuations (Kubo or Kubo-Green formulas). With the Japanese physicist K. Tomita, he formulated the statistical theory of ferromagnetic resonance.


In Russian translation:
“Statisticheskaia mekhanika neobratimykh protsessov.” Part 1: “Obshchaia teoriia i nekotorye prostye prilozheniia k zadacham magnetizma i elektroprovodnosti.” In the collection Voprosy kvantovoi teorii neobratimykh protsessov. Moscow, 1961.
Statisticheskaia mekhanika. Moscow, 1967.
Termodinamika. Moscow, 1970.