Acronym | Definition |
NAS➣Network Attached Storage |
NAS➣National Academy of Sciences |
NAS➣Naval Air Station |
NAS➣New American Standard (bible version) |
NAS➣Network Access Server |
NAS➣Networked Attached Storage |
NAS➣National Airspace System |
NAS➣National Autistic Society (UK) |
NAS➣Norwegian Air Shuttle (Norwegian commercial air carrier) |
NAS➣National Association of Scholars |
NAS➣Naval Air Squadron (UK) |
NAS➣Natural and Applied Sciences (various universities) |
NAS➣Numéro d'Assurance Sociale |
NAS➣North American Stainless (various locations) |
NAS➣National Account Services (various companies) |
NAS➣Nagly Atak Spawacza (Polish: Suden Attack) |
NAS➣Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (narcotics withdrawal problems) |
NAS➣National Archives of Scotland |
NAS➣Nbma Arp Server |
NAS➣Network Area Storage |
NAS➣Non Ansi Standard |
NAS➣Network Audio System |
NAS➣Needs Assessment Survey (various organizations) |
NAS➣NASA Advanced Supercomputing |
NAS➣Non-Access Stratum (3GPP) |
NAS➣National Accreditation Standards (Australia) |
NAS➣Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation |
NAS➣National Aerospace Standard (Department of Defense) |
NAS➣Narcotics Affairs Section (US Embassy) |
NAS➣Network Accessible Storage |
NAS➣New American Schools |
NAS➣Network Application Support |
NAS➣North American Specification (cars manufactured for North American market) |
NAS➣National American School |
NAS➣Netscape Application Server |
NAS➣Numerical Aerospace Simulation |
NAS➣No Added Salt (dietary) |
NAS➣Naval Audit Service (US Navy) |
NAS➣National Advanced Systems |
NAS➣Network Automation System (software) |
NAS➣Non-Caloric Artificial Sweetener |
NAS➣Network Attached Servers |
NAS➣Natural American Spirit (tobacco brand) |
NAS➣Network Access System (Sprint) |
NAS➣Narrowband Area Service (Australia) |
NAS➣Northern Aral Sea (project) |
NAS➣Network Analysis System (Alcatel) |
NAS➣National Automation Services (Nevada) |
NAS➣Not a Sentence (editing) |
NAS➣Networking Architecture and Storage (IEEE International Conference) |
NAS➣Non-Availability Statement |
NAS➣National Airports System (Canada) |
NAS➣Nerve Attenuation Syndrome (fictional disease) |
NAS➣Native American Spirit |
NAS➣New Attack Submarine |
NAS➣Network Administration System |
NAS➣National Aircraft Standard |
NAS➣Nikon Acquisition Syndrome (slang; urge to buy Nikon equipment or accessories) |
NAS➣Network Access Switch |
NAS➣National Audubon Society, Inc. |
NAS➣Nassau, Bahamas - Nassau International Airport (Airport Code) |
NAS➣National Accessibility Scheme |
NAS➣National Association of Seadogs |
NAS➣National Asthma Survey |
NAS➣NetWare Access Services (Novell) |
NAS➣National Arts Strategy (various organizations) |
NAS➣National Achievement Scholars |
NAS➣Nigerian Academy of Sciences |
NAS➣Naval Amphibious School |
NAS➣North Aegean Sea |
NAS➣Numerical and Atmospheric Sciences Network |
NAS➣Next Action Star (TV Show) |
NAS➣New Accession States |
NAS➣Neuroanaesthesia Society (Birmingham, UK) |
NAS➣Narcotics Assistance Section |
NAS➣New Associated States |
NAS➣NAS Area Supervisor (FAA) |
NAS➣Non Aliter Specificatus (Latin: Not Further Specified) |
NAS➣Not-A-Spinoff |
NAS➣Nuclear Assembly System |
NAS➣NORAD Alerting System |
NAS➣Need Analysis Servicer (US Department of Education) |
NAS➣National Aerodynamic Simulator |
NAS➣National Acceptance Scheme for CPDW (EU) |
NAS➣Node Avionics Simulator |
NAS➣Naval Auxiliary Ship |
NAS➣Narrow Band Acquisition Qualifier Subsystem |
NAS➣National Airspace Study |
NAS➣Nonaccelerating Securities |
NAS➣Nozzle Actuating System |
NAS➣NBMA (Non-Broadcast Multiple Access) ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Server |