Menetrier disease

Mé·né·tri·er dis·ease

(mā-nā-trē-ā'), gastric mucosal hyperplasia, either mucoid or glandular; the latter type may be associated with the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Synonym(s): giant hypertrophy of gastric mucosa, hypertrophic gastritis, Ménétrier syndrome

Mé·né·tri·er dis·ease

, Ménétrier syndrome (mā-nā-trē-ā' di-zēz', sin'drōm) Gastric mucosal hyperplasia, either mucoid or glandular; the latter type may be associated with the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Ménétrier disease

(ma-na-tre-a') [Pierre Ménétrier, Fr. physician, 1859–1935] Giant hypertrophic gastritis..


Pierre E., French physician, 1859-1935. Ménétrier disease - gastric mucosal hyperplasia. Synonym(s): giant hypertrophy of gastric mucosa; hypertrophic gastritis; Ménétrier syndromeMénétrier syndrome - Synonym(s): Ménétrier disease