Minikh, Iogann Ernst
Minikh, Iogann Ernst
Born Dec. 30, 1707, in Heinfurt, Oettingen; died Jan. 24 (Feb. 4), 1788, in St. Petersburg. Count, Russian diplomat, author of memoirs.
Minikh, the son of B. K. Minikh, held diplomatic posts in France and Italy, and at the beginning of the 1740’s was chief marshal of the imperial court. From 1743 to 1763, Minikh w exiled to Vologda, where he wrote The Notes of Count Ernst Minikh, Son of the Field Marshal Written by Him for His Children in Vologda in 1758, published in St. Petersburg in 1817. The work contains interesting material on the life of the Russian imperial court during the 1730’s and 1740’s.