O'Leno State Park
O'Leno State Park
Location:On US 441, 6 miles north of High Springs.
Facilities:61 full-facility campsites, primitive camping (3 youth camps, 1 hike-incamp, 1 horse camping area), group camp with 17 cabins, dining hall,kitchen, recreation hall, bathhouses; picnic area, shelters, playgroundareas; hiking, biking, and horse trails; canoe and bicycle rentals.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, freshwater fishing, swimming, hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, bicycling, wildife viewing.
Special Features:Park is located on the banks of the scenic Santa Fe River, a tributaryof the Suwannee River. Inside park property, the Santa Fe Riverdisappears and flows underground for three miles before resurfacingagain. Other interesting natural features include sinkholes, hardwoodhammock, river swamp, and sandhill communities. The park was firstdeveloped by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s and thesuspension bridge they built still spans the river.
Address:410 SE Oleno Park Rd
High Springs, FL 32643
Web: www.floridastateparks.org/oleno
Size: 1,714 acres land; 27 acres water.
See other parks in Florida.