Acronym | Definition |
LTP➣Last Time Played (songs) |
LTP➣Long Term Potentiation |
LTP➣Local Transport Plan |
LTP➣Laptop |
LTP➣Looking to Purchase |
LTP➣Liturgy Training Publications |
LTP➣Local Trigger Processor |
LTP➣Long Term Predictor |
LTP➣Luminance Transient Processing |
LTP➣Ley de Transferencia de Precios (Spanish: Price Transfer Law; Peru) |
LTP➣Long Term Prediction |
LTP➣Last Traded Price |
LTP➣Lipid Technologies Provider (Sweden) |
LTP➣Learn to Play |
LTP➣Linux Test Project |
LTP➣Long Term Plan |
LTP➣Lipid Transfer Protein (genetics) |
LTP➣Long-Term Predictor |
LTP➣Less Than Perfect (TV show) |
LTP➣Learning Technologies Project (NASA) |
LTP➣License Termination Plan |
LTP➣Lunar Transient Phenomena |
LTP➣Long Term Performance |
LTP➣Long Term Potential |
LTP➣Licklider Transmission Protocol |
LTP➣Long-Term Policy |
LTP➣Last Take Point (engineering) |
LTP➣Long Trace Profiler |
LTP➣Latest Takes Precedence (stage lighting) |
LTP➣Leave Transfer Program |
LTP➣Light Transmitting Panel (roofs) |
LTP➣Landing Threshold Point (aviation) |
LTP➣Lambda Theta Phi (fraternity) |
LTP➣Land Treatment Plan (agriculture) |
LTP➣Load Transfer Platform (engineering) |
LTP➣Land Trust Program (Redlands Conservancy; California) |
LTP➣Laboratoire de Technologie des Poudres (French: Powder Technology Laboratory; Switzerland) |
LTP➣Link Test Pulse (network/switch speed auto-negotiation) |
LTP➣Lower Trip Point |
LTP➣Long Term Play |
LTP➣Living Together Partner |
LTP➣Law of Total Probability |
LTP➣Linear Transportation Problem |
LTP➣Line Test Position |
LTP➣Line Trunk Peripheral |
LTP➣Link Termination Point |
LTP➣liquid transfer pump |
LTP➣Lupong Tagapagpaganap ng Pook |
LTP➣Likes to Party |
LTP➣Local Tangent Plane Coordinate System |
LTP➣Local Test Port |
LTP➣Logical Thought Process |
LTP➣Lockout/Tagout Permit |
LTP➣Leader/Leadership Training Plan/Program |
LTP➣Larvik Tur Produksjon (Norwegian: Larvik Tour Production) |
LTP➣Line Throwing Projectile |
LTP➣Laboratorium voor Toegepaste Psychologie (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) |
LTP➣Licensed Tax Practitioner (Oregon) |
LTP➣Link Trunk Protocol |
LTP➣Localization Test Plan |