lie low and sing small

lie low and sing small

1. To be, make oneself, or remain hidden or inconspicuous; to avoid being found, detected, or scrutinized by others. (Commonly misworded as "lay low.") I'm sorry I haven't been around to see you lately, but with the police investigating the company I thought it would be better to lie low and sing small for a while. Jim and Colby are laying low with the goods. Once the heat from the cops eases up, they'll send the stuff over to us.2. By extension, to keep to oneself; to avoid interactions with others. I think I'm just going to lie low and sing small at home this weekend—I don't really feel like going out at all. I can't afford any more distractions ahead of my finals, so I need to lie low and sing small for the next couple of weeks.See also: and, lie, low, sing, small