释义 |
meningoencephalomyelitis[mə¦niŋ·gō·in‚sef·ə·lō‚mī·ə′līd·əs] (medicine) Combined inflammation of the meninges, brain, and spinal cord. meningoencephalomyelitis
meningoencephalomyelitis [mĕ-ning″go-en-sef″ah-lo-mi″ĕ-li´tis] inflammation of the meninges, brain, and spinal cord.me·nin·go·en·ceph·a·lo·my·e·li·tis (mĕ-ning'gō-en-sef'ă-lō-mī-'ĕ-lī'tis), Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord together with their membranes. [meningo + G. enkephalos, brain, + myelos, marrow, + -itis, inflammation] me·nin·go·en·ceph·a·lo·my·e·li·tis (mĕ-ning'gō-en-sef'ă-lō-mī-ă-lī'tis) Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord togetherwith their membranes. [meningo + G. enkephalos, brain, + myelos, marrow, + -itis, inflammation] |