nasal polyp
na·sal pol·yp
nasal polyp
ENT Any of the small, sac-like growths consisting of inflamed nasal mucosa, which can arise in clusters or individually, near the ethmoid sinuses, expanding into the open areas of the nasal cavity, possibly obstructing the airway and blocking drainage from the sinuses; sinusitis may arise in fluid accumulating in blocked sinuses Clinical Obstruction, mandatory mouth breathing due to chronic nasal obstruction, runny nose Etiology Asthma, allergic rhinitis/hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, certain drugs, chronic sinusitis, cystic fibrosisna·sal po·lyp
(nāzăl polip)
nasal polyp
Nasal polyps are the most commonly identified nonmalignant tumor of the nasal passages. They are more commonly identified in men than in women.
The most common symptom of nasal polyposis is obstruction to the flow of air into and out of the nasal passages.
Steroid nasal sprays may improve airflow through the nasal passages. Surgical removal of polyps may occasionally be necessary when medical treatment is unsuccessful.