alveololingual groove

al·ve·o·lo·lin·gual groove

1. that part of the oral cavity proper, on each side of the frenulum of the tongue, between the tongue and the mandibular alveolar process or ridge; 2. in the embryo, the groove on each side between the lingual primordium and the alveolar elevations of the mandible. Synonym(s): alveololingual sulcus, gingivolingual groove, gingivolingual sulcus

al·ve·o·lo·lin·gual groove

(al-vēŏ-lō-linggwăl grūv) Part of the oral cavity proper, on each side of the frenulum of the tongue, between the tongue and the mandibular alveolar process or ridge.
Synonym(s): alveololingual sulcus, gingivolingual groove, gingivolingual sulcus.