node of Cloquet

proximal deep inguinal lymph node

[TA] one of the deep inguinal lymph nodes located in or adjacent to the femoral canal; sometimes mistaken for a femoral hernia when enlarged. Synonym(s): nodus lymphoideus inguinalis profundi proximalis [TA], node of Cloquet, Rosenmüller gland, Rosenmüller node

Cloquet’s node

The lymph node that is the highest (superior most) of the deep inguinal lymph nodes or the lowest (inferior most) of the external iliac nodes, and is the representative (“sentinel”) node taken when staging cancer of the penis.

node of Clo·quet

(nōd klō-kā') One of the deep inguinal lymph nodes located in or adjacent to the femoral canal; sometimes mistaken for a femoral hernia when enlarged.


Jules G., French anatomist, 1790-1883. Cloquet canal - a minute canal running through the vitreous from the discus nervi optici to the lens. Synonym(s): hyaloid canalCloquet canal remnantsCloquet hernia - a femoral hernia perforating the aponeurosis of the pectineus and insinuating itself between this aponeurosis and the muscle, therefore lying behind the femoral vessels.Cloquet septum - the delicate fibrous membrane that closes the femoral ring at the base of the femoral canal. Synonym(s): femoral septumnode of Cloquet - one of the deep inguinal lymph nodes located in or adjacent to the femoral canal. Synonym(s): Rosenmüller gland; Rosenmüller node


Johann C., German anatomist, 1771-1820. organ of Rosenmüller - a collection of rudimentary tubules in the mesosalpinx between the ovary and the uterine tube. Synonym(s): epoöphoronRosenmüller fossa - Synonym(s): Rosenmüller recessRosenmüller gland - Synonym(s): node of CloquetRosenmüller node - Synonym(s): node of CloquetRosenmüller recess - a slitlike depression in the membranous pharyngeal wall extending posterior to the opening of the eustachian tube. Synonym(s): pharyngeal recess; Rosenmüller fossaRosenmüller valve - a fold of mucous membrane guarding the lower opening of the nasolacrimal duct. Synonym(s): lacrimal fold