nasal surface of palatine bone

na·sal sur·face of pal·a·tine bone

[TA] 1. the nasal surface of the perpendicular lamina of the palatine bone that forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity (facies nasalis lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini [TA]); 2. the nasal surface of the horizontal lamina of the palatine bone that forms part of the floor of the nasal cavity (facies nasalis lamina horizontalis ossis palatini [TA]). Synonym(s): facies nasalis ossis palatini [TA]

na·sal surface of pal·a·tine bone

(nāzăl sŭrfăs pală-tīn bōn) [TA] 1. Nasal surface of the perpendicular lamina of the palatine bone that forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity (facies nasalis lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini [TA]). 2. Nasal surface of the horizontal lamina of the palatine bone that forms part of the floor of the nasal cavity (facies nasalis lamina horizontalis ossis palatini [TA]).
Synonym(s): facies nasalis ossis palatini.