nodose rheumatism

no·dose rheu·ma·tism

1. Synonym(s): rheumatoid arthritis2. an acute or subacute articular rheumatism, accompanied by the formation of nodules on the tendons, ligaments, and periosteum in the neighborhood of the affected joints.

nodose rheumatism

An obsolete term for any arthropathy accompanied by periarticular nodule formation, including:
(1) Rheumatoid arthritis;
(2) Osteoarthritis, degenerative joint;
(3) Gout.

no·dose rheu·ma·tism

(nō'dōs rū'mă-tizm) 1. Synonym(s): rheumatoid arthritis. 2. An acute or subacute articular rheumatism, accompanied by the formation of nodules on the tendons, ligaments, and periosteum in the neighborhood of the affected joints.