


(Legend of Oghuz Kagan), epic works on the legendary genealogy of the Turkic Oghuz tribe (Ghuzz Turks) and their mythological ancestor Oghuz Kagan (Oghuz Khan).

Manuscripts of separate works written in the Middle Ages, as well as fragments of the epic appearing in medieval historical works, have been preserved. The oldest manuscript is the Kar-luk-Uighur version of the 13th-14th centuries in a 15th-century manuscript preserved in Paris. The khan of Khiva Abulgazi composed the Muslim version of the epic in the 17th century. The name “Oghuzname” has also been given to each of the 12 tales of the ancient epic Kitab-i dede Qorqut.


Kononov, A. N. Rodoslovnaia Turkmen. Moscow-Leningrad, 1958. (References on pp. 181–90.)
Shcherbak, A. M. Oguz-name, Mukhabbat-name. Moscow, 1959.
Riza Nour. Oghouz-nāmé: Epopée turque. Alexandria, 1928. (With notes, French translation, Turkish text, and facsimile.)