Kutaisov, Aleksandr Ivanovich

Kutaisov, Aleksandr Ivanovich


Born Aug. 30 (Sept. 10), 1784; died Aug. 26 (Sept. 7), 1812, near the village of Borodino, near Mozhaisk. Count; Russian military commander; major general (1806).

In 1799, Kutaisov became adjutant inspector to A. A. Arakcheev, inspector general of the artillery; he served in the artillery from 1803. He possessed great abilities and knowledge concerning artillery. Kutaisov fought in the war with France in 1806–07. He studied Oriental languages, mathematics, and military affairs in Vienna and Paris in 1810–11. His book General Rules for the Artillery in Field Battle reflected advanced views on the missions of the artillery, its grouping and maneuver in combat, and the importance of the artillery reserve. He was appointed chief of the artillery of the First Army in 1812. Kutaisov was killed in Raevskii’s battery in the battle of Borodino.