mental artery

mental branch (of inferior alveolar artery)

[TA] distribution, chin; the terminal branch of the inferior alveolar; anastomoses, inferior labial artery. Synonym(s): ramus mentalis arteriae alveolaris inferioris [TA], arteria mentalis, mental artery

men·tal ar·te·ry

(men'tăl ahr'tĕr-ē) Distribution, chin; the terminal branch of the inferior alveolar; anastomoses, inferior labial artery.
Synonym(s): arteria mentalis [TA] .

mental artery

The terminal branch of the inferior alveolar artery; it exits the mandible through the mental foramen to supply blood to the chin.See also: artery

men·tal ar·te·ry

(men'tăl ahr'tĕr-ē) Distribution, chin; the terminal branch of the inferior alveolar; anastomoses, inferior labial artery.
Synonym(s): arteria mentalis [TA] .