Acronym | Definition |
AAPI➣Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (HHS BHPR; US government) |
AAPI➣Atm Api |
AAPI➣Aglet Api |
AAPI➣Audio Applications Programming Interface |
AAPI➣Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute |
AAPI➣Association d'Aide aux Personnes Incontinentes |
AAPI➣American Association of the Physicians of Indian Origin |
AAPI➣Antique and Amusement Photographers International |
AAPI➣Alabama Association of Paralegals, Inc. |
AAPI➣American Accreditation Program Inc. (healthcare quality accreditation) |
AAPI➣Attack Assessment Predicted Impact |
AAPI➣Auto Accident; Potential Injury |
AAPI➣Auto Accident; Possible Injury |