Kuzmin, Anastasii
Kuz’min, Anastasii Dmitrievich
Year of birth unknown; died Jan. 3 (15), 1826. Revolutionary and Decembrist from the dvorianstvo (nobility or gentry). Lieutenant in the Chernigov Infantry Regiment; one of the most active and determined members of the Society of the United Slavs.
As an advocate of immediate revolution, Kuz’min spread propaganda among his own company, and as early as the summer of 1825 he attempted to raise it in revolt. On the eve of the uprising by the Chernigov Regiment, Kuz’min and V. N. Solov’-ev, I. I. Sukhinov, and M. A. Shchepillo freed S. I. Murav’ev-Apostol and his brother Matvei from arrest by force of arms. Kuz’min took a highly active part in the uprising. In the clash between the Chernigov Regiment and government troops he was wounded; after being taken prisoner, he committed suicide.