Ludwig Gattermann

Gattermann, Ludwig


Born Apr. 20, 1860, in Goslar; died June 20, 1920, in Freiburg. German organic chemist. Professor at the University of Freiburg (1900).

Gattermann obtained pure nutric chloride in 1888. He demonstrated in 1890 that the p-azoxyanisole and the p-azoxyphenetole, which he had produced, had the properties of liquid crystals. He proposed a method for synthesizing aromatic aldehydes (the Gattermann-Koch reaction). His handbook on organic chemistry, first issued in 1894, is widely known.


In Russian translation:
Prakticheskie raboty po organicheskoi khimii, 5th ed. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948. (With H. Wieland.)


Jacobson, P. “L. Gattermann.” Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1921, vol. 54, section A., p. 115.