Novaia Chetvert

Novaia Chetvert’


(also Novaia Chef), a very important financial prikaz (government office) in the 17th century. Founded in 1619, the Novaia Chetvert’ was in charge of the collection of “tavern money” (a liquor tax) from Moscow and from the cities under the cheti (administrative offices) of Galicia, Vladimir, and Kostroma. Later the Novaia Chetvert’ also collected from the southern cities under the jurisdiction of the Razriadnyi Prikaz (Central Governmental Administration). Unlike the other government prikazy, the Novaia Chetvert’ did not pay a salary to its employees, who were drawn from the sluzhilye liudi (military service class). As a rule, the Novaia Chetvert’ was administered by boyars or by okol’nichie (nobles ranking below the boyars) and d’iaki (members of a class of government administrators and clerks).