Odessa Farm Machinery Plant
Odessa Farm Machinery Plant
(full name, October Revolution Odessa Farm Machinery Plant), a major enterprise of the Soviet farm machinery industry, producing tillers (mainly plows). The plant was founded in 1854 by the I. I. Gen Joint Stock Company, and it produced plows, reapers, straw cutters, corn huskers, and other implements. Its workers took an active part in the revolutionary movement, and during the Great October Socialist Revolution, under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, they fought for the establishment of Soviet power. In 1922 the plant was named in honor of the October Revolution.
During the prewar five-year plans (1929–40), the plant was modernized and significantly expanded, and foundry, maintenance, and assembly shops equipped with conveyor flow lines were built. In 1941 the plant was evacuated to the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Krai, where it produced defense matériel, as well as horse-drawn and tractor-drawn plows. The plant came to be called the Altaisel’mash Plant. During the Great Patriotic War (1941–45), the fascist German invaders inflicted great damage on the plant.
After the liberation of Odessa in 1944, the plant was rebuilt and reequipped. From 1959 to 1973 its gross output increased by a factor of 3.2. The plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1966. In 1973, the Odessa Farm Machinery Plant and a number of other enterprises combined to form the Odessapochvomash Production Association.