ODGOrdine dei Giornalisti (Italian: Order Of Journalists)
ODGOrdine del Giorno (Italian: Order of the Day)
ODGOlive Drab Green (product description)
ODGOrganisme de Défense et de Gestion (French: Defense Organization and Management)
ODGOfficial Disability Guidelines
ODGOptimal Decision Group (now ChoicePoint)
ODGOptics Design Group (Optical Society of Japan)
ODGOxford Diocesan Guild
ODGOh Dear God
ODGOpen Development Group
ODGOvarian Dysgenesis
ODGObjective Differential Grade
ODGOutstanding Division Governor
ODGOsterhout Design Group (San Francisco, CA)
ODGOld Dog Gamers
ODGObra de Gentry (Spanish: Work of Gentry)
ODGOld Dirty's Gang (Counter-Strike Source gaming clan)
ODGOrdnance Disposal Group