olfactory sulcus

ol·fac·to·ry sul·cus

[TA] the sagittal sulcus on the inferior or orbital surface of each frontal lobe of the cerebrum, demarcating the straight gyrus from the orbital gyri, and covered on the orbital surface by the olfactory bulb and tract. Synonym(s): sulcus olfactorius [TA], olfactory groove

ol·fac·to·ry sul·cus

(ōl-fak'tŏr-ē sŭl'kŭs) [TA] The sagittal sulcus on the inferior or orbital surface of each frontal lobe of the cerebrum, demarcating the straight gyrus from the orbital gyri, and covered on the orbital surface by the olfactory bulb and tract.

olfactory sulcus

The most medial groove running longitudinally (rostrocaudally) on the orbital surface of the frontal lobe of the brain, separating the gyrus rectus from the medial orbital gyrus. The olfactory bulb and olfactory tract lie along the olfactory sulcus. See also: sulcus