Nasmyth membrane

e·nam·el cu·ti·cle

the primary enamel cuticle, consisting of two extremely thin layers (the inner one clear and structureless, the outer cellular), covering the entire crown of newly erupted teeth and subsequently abraded by mastication; it is evident microscopically as an amorphous material between the attachment epithelium and the tooth. Synonym(s): adamantine membrane, cuticula dentis, dental cuticle, membrana adamantina, Nasmyth cuticle, Nasmyth membrane, skin of teeth

Nasmyth membrane

(na'smith) [Alexander Nasmyth, Scottish dental surgeon, d. 1848] A thin cuticle consisting of the cellular remnants of the enamel organ and the mucopolysaccharide basement membrane that attaches them to the enamel surface. This covering is very friable and usually lost after eruption of the tooth into the oral cavity; however, it may persist in protected areas, such as the labial surface of maxillary incisors. Synonym: cuticula dentis; enamel membrane


Alexander, English dentist, 1789-1849. Nasmyth cuticle - two extremely thin layers covering the entire crown of newly erupted teeth and subsequently abraded by mastication. Synonym(s): enamel cuticle; Nasmyth membraneNasmyth membrane - Synonym(s): Nasmyth cuticle