o, O
ω, Ω
Patient discussion about o, O
Q. My 11 y/o son eyes appear to have a slight yellow in the whites toward the corners. I am assuming he will need blood work, but does anyone have any idea what may be the cause?
If your child is generally healthy, and this change appeared without any overt problem (e.g. liver disease or blood problem), or your child had fever or fasted recently, this jaundice may represents Gilbert syndrome. It's a syndrome of slightly elevated levels of bilirubin, and considered not dangerous.
You may read more here:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000301.htm
Q. How can you tell that your depressed? and when you find out you are, can you get treatment w/o parents consent I believe i am depressed.. i want to get help but i don't want to go to my parents. They are not the greatest and i want some sort of medicine. I was just wondering if i could get a over the counter medicine for cheap...