Lukasiewicz, Jan

Łukasiewicz, Jan


Born Dec. 21,1878, in L’vov; died Nov. 13, 1956, in Dublin. Polish logician. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1937).

Łukasiewicz was a professor at the University of L’vov from 1906 to 1915 and at the University of Warsaw from 1915 to 1939. After World War II he taught at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. Łukasiewicz worked on logical problems of induction and causality and on the logical foundations of probability theory. He constructed the first system of many-valued logic and used it to create a system of modal logic. He developed a special language to formalize logical and mathematical expressions, called parenthesis-free Łukasiewicz symbolism. His philosophical outlook was that of a positivist.


Z zagadnień logiki i filozofii: Pisma wybrane. Warsaw, 1961. (Contains complete bibliography of Łukasiewicz’s works)
In Russian translation:
Aristotelevskaia sillogistika s tochki zreniia sovremennoiformaL’not logiki. Moscow, 1959. (Translated from Polish.)


Borkowski, L., and T. Slupecki. “The Logical Works of J. Łukasiewicz.” Studio Logica, vol. 8, 1958.