animal model

an·i·mal mod·el

study in a population of laboratory animals that uses conditions in animals analogous to conditions of humans to simulate processes comparable with those that occur in human populations.

animal model

An animal that is an accidental or deliberate (though selective inbreeding) model of a human disease. Such models are experimental living systems that are used to study disease mechanisms and provide insight into possible therapies.
Animal models
• AIDS—SAIDS in macaque monkeys. 
• ALL—Immune deficient SCID mice. 
• Atherosclerosis—Watanabe rabbits. 
• Ceroid lipofuscinosis—Border collies.
• Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A—Pmp-22 mutant trembler-J mice.
• Congenital hyperbilirubinemia—Gunn rat enzymopathy.
• Congenital malignancy—Embryonal nephroma—pigs; hepatoblastoma—sheep; melanoma—darkly pigmented animals. 
• Crohn’s disease—Paratuberculosis/Johne’s disease, which affects dairy ruminants by Mycobacterium johnei.
• Cryptorchidism—dogs (castration).
• Cystinuria type I—Newfoundland dogs; Pebbles, a transgenic mouse model.
• Demyelination—Shiverer mouse.
• Diabetes insipidus—Brattleboro rats.
• Distichia—Cocker spaniels, dachshunds, bulldogs, Yorkshire terriers, poodles.
• End-organ resistance to normal hormones—Sebright bantam rooster.
• Endocardial fibrosis—Turkeys.
• Familial hypercholesterolaemia—Watanabe rabbits.
• Fibrosing alveolitis/Hamman-Rich disease—Bovine pulmonary disease. 
• GH-resistant dwarfism—Mini-mouse.
• Inherited giant platelet disorders—King Charles Spaniel dogs (Cavaliers).
• Kinky hair disease—Copper deficiency in sheep.
• Klinefelter syndrome—X-linked testicular feminisation in mice.
• Lymphocytic thyroiditis—Beagles, obese chickens, buffalo rats, primates.
• Lymphoma—Lymphosarcoma in dogs. 
• Malignant histiocytosis—Bernese Mountain dogs.
• Melanoma, spontaneously regressing—Sinclair swine.
• Mixed tumour (benign breast tumour)—Dogs.
• Muscular hypertrophy—Belgian blue cows.
• Myotonia congenita—Fainting goats.
• Neurolymphomatosis—Marek’s disease, induced by an oncogenic herpesvirus.
• Neuroplasticity—Aplysia, a marine mollusc.
• Osteopetrosis—Gray lethal mouse.
• Pacinian neurofibroma—Peking duck.
• Protothecosis—Collie dogs.
• Rheumatoid arthritis—Erysipelothrix-induced arthritis.
• Sleep apnea (obstructive)—English bulldog.
• Spermatocytic seminoma—old men and old dogs.
• Systemic lupus—NZB/NZW mice.
• Waardenburg syndrome—ferrets.

an·i·mal model

(an'i-măl mod'ĕl) Study in a population of laboratory animals that uses conditions of animals analogous to conditions of humans to simulate processes comparable with those that occur in human populations.