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nasopharyngoscopy na·so·phar·yn·gos·co·py (nā'zō-far'ing-gos'kŏ-pē), Examination of the nasopharynx with a flexible or rigid endoscope or a mirror. [nasopharynx + G. skopeō, to view] nasopharyngoscopy (nā′zō-făr′ĭn-gŏs′kə-pē)n. Examination of the upper airways and the pharynx with an optical instrument.na·so·phar·yn·gos·co·py (nā'zō-far-in-gos'kŏ-pē) Examination of the nasopharynx by flexible or rigid optic instruments, or with a mirror. [nasopharynx + G. skopeō, to view]NasopharyngoscopyA diagnostic procedure that examines the nasal passageways and pharynx with an instrument outfitted with an optical system.Mentioned in: Velopharyngeal Insufficiency |