Ogloblin, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Ogloblin, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Born in 1852; year of death unknown. Russian historian and archaeologist.
Ogloblin graduated from an archaeological institute in St. Petersburg. He served as an archivist in the Moscow Archives of the Ministry of Justice. His surveys of archival materials from the 16th to 18th centuries (mainly on the history of Siberia) were published in the journals Istoricheskii vestnik (Historical Journal), Russkaia starina (Russian Antiquity), and Knigovedenie (Book Science). The first part of his work A Survey of the Stolbtsy and Books of the Siberian Prikaz: 1592–1768 (1895–1901) was awarded the prize of the Academy of Sciences in 1896.
Ogloblin’s works include A Survey of Historical and Geographical Materials of the XVII and Early XVIII Centuries Contained in the Books of the Razriadnyi Prikaz (1884), Provincial Archives in the XVII Century (1886), and The Krasnoiarsk Rebellion: 1695–1698 (1901).