Acronym | Definition |
OGM➣Organismes Génétiquement Modifiés |
OGM➣Organismi Geneticamente Modificati (Italian: Genetically Modified Organism) |
OGM➣Ogg Media (gaming) |
OGM➣Ordinary General Meeting |
OGM➣Oracle Grants Management |
OGM➣Ogg Media File |
OGM➣Outgoing Message |
OGM➣Osteoblast Growth Medium |
OGM➣Organic Growers of Michigan |
OGM➣Organic Growth Media |
OGM➣Oil, Gas and Minerals |
OGM➣Office of General Ministries (United Church of Christ) |
OGM➣Open Geodata Model |
OGM➣Original Madness |
OGM➣Order Guide Management (procurement) |
OGM➣Office of the General Manager |
OGM➣Optical Gateway Manager |
OGM➣Oil and Gas Machinery |
OGM➣Optically-Guided Missile |
OGM➣Old Germanic (linguistics) |
OGM➣Optically-Guided Munition |
OGM➣One-Sided Generalized Markov |
OGM➣O'Grady Mahony (auctioneers; Ireland) |
OGM➣One Giant Media (San Diego, CA) |