Barlow disease

in·fan·tile scur·vy

osteopathia hemorrhagica infantum; a cachectic condition in infants, resulting from malnutrition and marked by pallor, fetid breath, coated tongue, diarrhea, and subperiosteal hemorrhages; probably a combination of scurvy and rickets due to combined deficiency of vitamins C and D. Synonym(s): Barlow disease, Cheadle disease, osteopathia hemorrhagica infantum, scurvy rickets

in·fan·tile scur·vy

(in'făn-tīl skŭr'vē) A cachectic condition in infants, resulting from malnutrition and marked by pallor, fetid breath, coated tongue, diarrhea, and subperiosteal hemorrhages; probably a combination of scurvy and rickets due to combined deficiency of vitamins C and D.
Synonym(s): Barlow disease, osteopathia hemorrhagica infantum.


Sir Thomas, English physician, 1845-1945. Barlow disease - a cachectic condition in infants, resulting from malnutrition. Synonym(s): infantile scurvy

in·fan·tile scur·vy

(in'făn-tīl skŭr'vē) Cachectic condition in infants, resulting from malnutrition and marked by pallor, fetid breath, coated tongue, diarrhea, and subperiosteal hemorrhages.
Synonym(s): Barlow disease, Cheadle disease.