MEPPMiddle East Peace Process
MEPPMiniature End-Plate Potential (Small depolarization at synapse target due to spontaneous quantal release)
MEPPMaster of Engineering in Professional Practice
MEPPMathematics Education Partnership Program
MEPPMunicipal Employees Pension Plan
MEPPMunicipal Employees' Pension Plan
MEPPMaster Exercise Practitioner Program
MEPPMaster of Engineering and Public Policy
MEPPMobile Electric Power Plant
MEPPMultiple Employer Pension Plan (Canada)
MEPPMaster Emergency Plant Procedure
MEPPMiniature Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential
MEPPMonitoring Equipment Placement Phase
MEPPMinistria e Ekonomisë Publike dhe Privatizimit (Albanian: Ministry of Public Economy and Privatisation)
MEPPMotor End Plate Potential