Marshall syndrome

Mar·shall syn·drome

(mar'shăl), [MIM*154780] syndrome of midface hypoplasia, cataract, sensorineural hearing loss, and hypohidrosis. It is disputed whether this syndrome is distinct from Stickler syndrome.

Marshall syndrome

Acquired cutix laxa seen in Sweet syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) caused by destruction of dermal elastic tissue.


Don, U.S. ophthalmologist, 1905–. Marshall syndrome - midface hypoplasia, cataract, sensorineural hearing loss, and hypohidrosis.


John, English anatomist, 1818-1891. Marshall oblique vein - a small vein on the posterior wall of the left atrium that merges with the great cardiac vein to form the coronary sinus. Synonym(s): oblique vein of left atriumMarshall syndrome - inflamed edematous papules.Marshall vestigial fold - a pericardial fold containing the obliterated remains of the left superior vena cava. Synonym(s): fold of left vena cava


Richard E., U.S. physician. Marshall syndrome - clinical growth disorder. Synonym(s): Marshall-Smith syndromeMarshall-Smith syndrome - Synonym(s): Marshall syndrome