释义 |
Oguchi disease
O·gu·chi dis·ease (ō-gū'chē), [MIM*258100] a rare congenital nonprogressive night blindness with diffuse yellow or gray coloration of fundus; after 2 or 3 hours in total darkness, fundus resumes normal color; autosomal recessive inheritance, caused by mutation in either the arrestin gene (SAG) on 2q or the rhodopsin kinase gene (RHOK) on 13q.O·gu·chi dis·ease (ō-gū'chē di-zēz') A rare congenital nonprogressive night blindness with diffuse yellow or gray coloration of fundus; after two or three hours in total darkness, fundus resumes normal color; autosomal recessive inheritance, caused by mutation in either the arrestin gene (SAG) on 2q or the rhodopsin kinase gene (RHOK) on 13q. Oguchi disease (ō-goo′chē) [Chuta Oguchi, Japanese ophthalmologist, 1875–1945] Hereditary night blindness with onset in infancy. Commonly found in Japan, the disease is rare in the U.S. Oguchi, Chuta, Japanese ophthalmologist, 1875-1945. Oguchi disease - a rare congenital, nonprogressive night blindness. |