Object Management Group

Object Management Group

(body)(OMG) A consortium aimed at setting standards inobject-oriented programming. In 1989, this consortium,which included IBM Corporation, Apple Computer Inc. andSun Microsystems Inc., mobilised to create across-compatible distributed object standard. The goal was acommon binary object with methods and data that work using alltypes of development environments on all types of platforms.Using a committee of organisations, OMG set out to create thefirst Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)standard which appeared in 1991. As of February 1998, thelatest standard is CORBA 2.2.


[David S. Linthicum, DBMS, January 1997]

Object Management Group

(Object Management Group, Needham, MA, www.omg.org) An international organization founded in 1989 to endorse technologies as open standards for object-oriented applications. In 1991, the first standard from the Object Management Group (OMG) was the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). OMG later became involved in standardizing models for systems, processes and software. See CORBA and UML. See also Object Data Management Group.