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opsonocytophagic opsonocytophagic [op″sŏ-no-si″to-faj´ik] denoting the phagocytic activity of blood in the presence of serum opsonins and homologous leukocytes.op·so·no·cy·to·pha·gic (op'sŏ-nō-sī'tō-fā'jik), Pertaining to the increased efficiency of phagocytic activity of the leukocytes in blood that contains specific opsonin. [opsonin + G. kytos, a hollow (cell), + phagō, to eat] op·so·no·cy·to·pha·gic (op'sŏ-nō-sī'tō-fā'jik) Pertaining to the increased efficiency of phagocytic activity of the leukocytes in blood that contains a specific opsonin. [opsonin + G. kytos, a hollow (cell), + phagō, to eat] |