Aládar Komját
Komját, Aládar
Born Feb. 11, 1893, in Košice; died Jan. 3, 1937, in Paris. Hungarian poet.
Komját was one of the first to join the Communist Party of Hungary (1918). He participated in the establishment of the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919; after its defeat he emigrated to Italy and then moved to Germany. In 1933 he took up residence in Switzerland; in 1935, in France. Komját began publishing his work in 1910 in Népszava, the newspaper of the Social Democratic Party, and Ma, the journal of the Hungarian left-wing expressionists. As an émigré he collaborated in Communist periodicals of various countries published in Hungarian. His poems in the collections The Call (1917) and The New International (1919) are imbued with social protest and have an antimilitaristic orientation. In the poems of the collections We Want Everything (1931) and The Earth Has Moved (1937) he extolled the heroism of the working class and expressed the feelings and hopes of the revolutionary internationalist. Komját played a prominent role in the struggle for revolutionary realistic literature.
Összegyütött müvei. Budapest, 1957. (Contains a bibliography.)In Russian translation: [Stikhi]. In Antologiia vengerskoi poezii. Moscow, 1952.
Klaniczai, T., J. Szauder, and M. Szabolcsi. Kratkaia istoriia vengerskoi literatury XI-XX v. [Budapest] 1962.O. K. ROSSIIANOV