

1 Town (1990 pop. 21,531), Plymouth co., SE Mass., on the Atlantic coast; settled 1632, inc. 1640. Sand and gravel are produced, as well as electronic products. Several colonial buildings stand in the town, which is also a resort. Daniel WebsterWebster, Daniel,
1782–1852, American statesman, lawyer, and orator, b. Salisbury (now in Franklin), N.H. Early Career

He graduated (1801) from Dartmouth College, studied law, and, after an interval as a schoolmaster, was admitted (1805) to the bar.
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 lived and is buried in Marshfield.

2 City (1990 pop. 19,291), Marathon and Wood co., central Wis., in a dairy area; inc. 1883. Cheese, machinery, furniture, fabricated metal, apparel, and hydraulic cylinders are among the city's products. An agricultural research station is there.