Martinak State Park
Martinak State Park
Location:In Caroline County, 2 miles south of Denton, off MD 404.
Facilities:63 improved campsites (30 with electric hookups; some sites @di),bathhouse, 4 camper cabins, 1 full-service cabin, picnic area andshelters (é), playground, restrooms, hiking trails, boat launch,fishing pier, canoe rental, nature center (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, flatwater canoeing, freshwater fishing, swimming, hiking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Bordered by the Choptank River and Watts Creek, the park is situated inhardwood and pine forests that support a wide variety of wildlife.
Address:137 Deep Shore Rd
Denton, MD 21629
Size: 107 acres.
See other parks in Maryland.