Martin Alfred Hansen
Hansen, Martin Alfred
Born Aug. 20, 1909, in Str0by; died June 27, 1955, in Copenhagen. Danish writer.
Hansen wrote the realistic novels about village life Now He Gives Up (1935) and The Colony (1937). During World War II he published antifascist articles. The struggle between good and evil in society and in the human soul is the principal theme of the novels Jonathan’s Journey (1941) and The Liar (1950) and the short-story collections Blackthorn (1946) and Paradise Apples (1953). Hansen’s prose is notable for its impressionistic narrative style, psychological depth, and complex symbolism.
Mindeudgave, vols. 1–10. [Copenhagen, 1961.]In Russian translation:
“Martovskoi noch’iu.” In Datskaia novella XIX-XX vv. Leningrad, 1967.
“Prazdnik zhatvy.” In Sovremennaia datskaia novella. Moscow, 1971.
Kristensen, S. M. Datskaia literatura 1918–1952. Moscow, 1963.Wivel, O. Martin A. Hansen. [Copenhagen, 1969.]
Nielsen, F. Fra Martin A. Hansens vœrksted, 2nd ed. Copenhagen, 1971.
Kettel, H. Martin A. Hansens forfatterskab: En bibliografi. [Copenhagen, 1966.]