

M0225200 (mûr′chən-dīz′, -dīs′)n. Abbr. mdse. Goods bought and sold in business; commercial wares.v. merchandise (-dīz′) also mer·chan·dize (-dīz′) mer·chan·dised, mer·chan·dis·ing, mer·chan·dis·es also mer·chan·dized or mer·chan·diz·ing or mer·chan·diz·es To buy and sell (goods).2. To promote the sale of, as by advertising or display: merchandised a new product.v.intr. To buy and sell goods; trade commercially.
[Middle English merchaundise, from Old French marchandise, trade, from marcheant, marchand, merchant; see merchant.]
mer′chan·dis′a·ble adj.mer′chan·dis′er n.


(n. ˈmɜr tʃənˌdaɪz, -ˌdaɪs; v. -ˌdaɪz)

n., v. -dised, -dis•ing. n. 1. goods bought and sold; commodities. 2. the stock of goods in a store. v.i. 3. to carry on trade. v.t. 4. to buy and sell; trade. 5. to plan for and promote the sales of. [1250–1300; Middle English marchandise < Old French. See merchant, -ice] mer′chan•dis`er, n.