Nichiporovich, Anatolii Aleksandrovich

Nichiporovich, Anatolii Aleksandrovich


Born Oct. 30 (Nov. 11), 1899, in Saratov. Soviet plant physiologist and professor (1946). Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Became a member of the CPSU in 1946.

Nichiporovich graduated from Saratov Agricultural Institute in 1922. He has worked at agricultural experiment stations and at the All-Union Institute of Caoutchouc and Gutta-percha. Nichiporovich also headed a subdepartment at the Briansk Wood Technology Institute. Beginning in 1940 he headed the photosynthesis laboratory of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Nichiporovich’s principal works are on the physiology of photosynthesis. His theory of the photosynthetic productivity of plants and the principles of its optimization is one of the theoretical bases of modern experimental agriculture and practical selection. Since 1963, Nichiporovich has been the editor in chief of Biologiia (Biology), a journal of scientific abstracts. He was awarded two orders and several medals.


Fotosintez i teoriia polucheniia vysokikh urozhaev. Moscow, 1956. (Timiriazevskie chteniia, XV.)
Fotosinteticheskaia deiatel’nost’ rastenii ν posevakh. Moscow, 1961. (With others.)
Teoreticheskie osnovy fotosinteticheskoi produktivnosti. Moscow, 1972. (Coauthor and editor.)