Natchaug State Forest
Natchaug State Forest
Location:4 miles south of Phoenixville on Route 198 in Eastford. The entranceroad bridge off Route198 in Eastford was closed to both vehicles andpedestrians in 2005 and will remain closed indefinitely untilstructural repairs have been made. General access to the Forest isavailable through the entrance located off of Pilfershire Road inEastford. Parking for picnicking and fishing access along the Natchaug River is still off Route 198.
Facilities:Primitive camping area for serious backpackers, horse camp sites (basicfacilities only), picnic tables (é), trails, pit toilets.
Activities:Horse and backpack camping, fishing (the Natchaug River is a designated Trout Park fishing area), hiking, mountainbiking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, hunting.
Special Features:Natchaug means "land between the rivers" and refers to the land at thejunction of the Bigelow and Still Rivers, which join to form theNatchaug River. Of historic interest is a large stone fireplace andchimney, which are the remains of the birthplace of General NathanielLyon, the first Union general killed in the Civil War.
Address:c/o Mashamoquet Brook State Park
RFD #1 Wolf Den Rd
Pomfret Center, CT 06259
Size: 12,935 acres.
See other parks in Connecticut.