Natchez State Park

Natchez State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Mississippi
Location:10 miles north of Natchez, off US 61 at Stanton.
Facilities:50 developed campsites with water and electrical hookups (6 also havesewage hookups), bathhouses with hot showers, 8 primitive tentcampsites, 10 vacation cabins, picnic areas, pavilion, playground,nature trail, boat launch, visitor center, meeting room.
Activities:Camping, fishing.
Special Features:Park is located 10 miles north of historic Natchez, the oldestsettlement on the Mississippi River. Before the Civil War, more thanhalf the millionaires in the US lived in Natchez, and many of theseelegant antebellum homes are now open for tours.
Address:230-B Wickcliff Rd
Natchez, MS 39120

Size: 3,641 acres.

See other parks in Mississippi.